Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Living a war experince indeed

...the truth is that my experience here in Israel wouldnt have been completed enough if i hadn't had experienced, or had felt properly what means to live under stress and pressure while maybe 1hour and a half, far from the city i live in, there is a war going on...more than that, i have friends and family friends living in those cities (Ashdod, Ashkelon and Ber'Sheva), therefore it was sad to hear that their vacation is not the most succesfull one, spending good reasonable hours in the bomb shelters, that special room that every house or apartment has, from the very beginning of the construction.

More than that, i can admit that i am pretty nervouse to travel by bus in Jerusalem, because of the suicide bombers, though surprinzingly, everyone is going to work as usual, everything happens as it was 2 weeks before. Everyone is concerned, but still they go on and live as nothing happenes. Because this is life..therefore, I am living the moment and without any effort I can say that I changed some of my point of views upon the Israeli mentality and i can even understand it much better than at the very beggining.
I attended parties the days before, i hanged out, and also for New Year, tonight, everything will be normal, the clubs will be full as they are every night, young people enjoying their lifes, though they stay reasonably rational about all the situation from Gaza.

I was in a vacation from my internship the past days, while i was in Tel Aviv attending the Congress of the World Union of jewish Students. The first 2 days everything was normal, but later on the news and the security messeges reached us and we were able to see what is going on and how the media is handling all this war issue.
I can say that is a succesfull war, and hopefully Hamas will learn its lesson, but so far let's hope that Israel wont suffer spread casualties or other strikes of the rackets or Quassami bombs.

During the WUJS Congress, all the group of the students, meaning us, all the participants, were honoured to enter Kneset ( the Israel Government) hearing a speech of a member of the Kadima party, named Tzachi Hanegbi.

All in all, besides this latest few days, I had a really busy schedule with a lot of conferences and debates, with a lot of lectures and even parties in the end.

Llife can be completely advertised in too many ways, but the reality and the valid facts can be felt only from one point of view - being at the right moment, without much make up of the tv ...
Life itself is a war of survival, though let's hope, at least, that 2009 will be better, healthier, more peacefull and succesfull.

I wish to you a great and a fulfilled New Year!
Happy New Year!
La multi ani!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Taking a Decision=The Art of Compromising

lets learn, rina, what it is to make a decision, to move forward, not being interested of the consequences but just of the real and the closest step you will head to and of what you will rich, getting your target...cuz that's why you took that decision, no?

of course, none of us says that this can be so simple, but the desicion is still done and no way to come back is to happen. What now? move baby, move forward, dont be weak and just think that you didnt turn your back forever, just that it was the best moment to act like this, that was the best thing to be done at that proper second, moment and circumstance.

dont say :"should i have thought again?" NO! definetely not, because the opposite side could have made you think twice if it had really matter...if the "giant step" causes such a change, either is because of the age, when you can allow yourself the most stupid and exentric things to happen and even to feel that u live, being a bit under stress and even suffer inside, not having to know when you will be able to come back at the latest situation you were before or because you just have another plan for your future. Time was not there for you, at that moment! Accept this!

dont ask yourself " but if this thing could have been done together"? why u and not the other?
or " really was not enough space for a clue, a soloution as small as hell but to be smthg there?"
for sure, NO. Why? lost of interest, carelessness, not enough power at the proper moment, not enough courage and maybe no desire, not enough strenght for compromising something else...

time, again, a disgusting issue!! why? why time can make everything? to destroy and also to repair, to forget and also to remember, to part and also to get together. The worst problem is that you dont know when all these are gonna to happen and in what order.

isnt this an endless topic? how can i find the answer? when should I know what is the best to choose and specifically when? time cannot speak too load, sometimes it can speak inside ourselves, cuz thats why we're taking a decision. Time is selfish, not always so friendly, but it knows what it is doing as long as you can see its consequences and its perfect art of creating happiness and sadness.

each of us is taking steps in time, is taking decisions, make plans and explore the next future near them. Why?

my personal point of view: none is perfect, but still he/she wanna achieve things of which to be proud of, and sometimes, it feels that time is not enough, is too short, so therefore it makes us scared.
then, "I should act now!....but oops, i regret", i know this, and still i know also that this is the best, so i continue my world from the last point before this thing happened. To erase my mind i cannot, to be superficial i cannot, so what i can is just to memorize and have a good taste of life. that is why i wanna remember you, not necessary having a good explanation why, but just that feelings are so irrational, most of the time, for me...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

However...2009 is aroud the corner. Did 2008 love me?

I received a mission to respond to all these questions, reffering to my achievments or failures in 2008. Dana, as a hero she was bluntly sincere, though I couldnt folow her, i just said:

1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
I finished the University and I moved in Israel for an internship.

2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I never make any New Year's resolutions. Im afraid of planning fom so much in afraid of dissapintment, but i admit that i wish and I think about the future, though not establishing it. Most of the time Im really unpredictable . I take decisions too quickly and im not sure if this makes me the happiest always .

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, thanks God

5. What countries did you visit?
Israel, Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgary

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
much more inspiration, the 7th sense nd of course my dream job!

7. What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
  • 1st of April, internship at Ogilvy - PR Department
  • smthg around 12 of July, the day I sustained my final paper at the University ( i really have a blank and usually i dont retain dates:) )
  • 17th August, the day when i moved to Israel for half year
  • 6th September, my b-day celebrated in Tel Aviv
  • 24th October, starting my internship at the Jerusalem Post Newspaper
  • 8th November, starting my 2nd internship at Media Central

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

My life in Israel, that will still continue in 2009, also, luckily.

9. What was your biggest failure?

Seemingly trusting too easy people.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

11. What was the best thing you bought?
mmm so far best food in Israel :)

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Not mine, for sure:) i changed even more, maybe im still having more expections from myself. Besides, my parents deserve a statue of model and support, love and careness. THANK YOU!

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Depressed...well there are several pple, of course..cuz im fucking too sensitive!! Maybe this i wanna achive next year...less sensitivity Rina, wtf!! robotical system and internet virtual life demage everything now; anyhow, im spending everyday half of the day online, so...why is not transferable this thing????

14. Where did most of your money go?
Food, clothes, phone bills:D

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
this year i had to my luck a bunch of things that made me excited: Julia, Israel, my internships, BFL Seminar, all kind of aquintences and foreign pple around the world

16. What song will always remind you of 2008?
Fergie - Big girls dont cry :))

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? happier
b) thinner or fatter? same-ish
c) richer or poorer? same-ish

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Reading and traveling

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Waste time online, spending money on "garbage stuff"

20. How will you be spending Hanuka/Christmas?
Hanuka i will celebrate 1st night at the office, having an event with journalists and after lightening the 1st candle. Though, i dont spend Christmas, usually of Christamas in Romania was vacation, so i was visiting my parents and sleeping a lot.

21. What was your favorite TV program?
i didnt watch tv at all almost:D Claudia can confirm this:)

22. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Not hate, but i keep in mind.

23. What was the best book you read?
"Magicianul" - John Fowles

24. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Jack Johnson and שלומי שבן (Shlomi Shaban) its a great talented handsome man!!!! i heard him live nd he really rocks!

25. What did you want and get?
To live abroad.

26. What did you want and not get?
It will cost you smthg to hear...

27. What was your favorite film of this year?
mmmm:D too hard to choose.

28. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I celebrated for the 1st time my bday in Israel. 22.

29. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
being with u.

30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
feel confortable in my skin - its mot a mot translation from romanian:) so ..u got it,no? casual and confortable, even sexy sometimes, depending on the mood.

31. What kept you sane?
music. friends, travelling

32. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
i finished high school 4years ago...

33. What political issue stirred you the most?
The American elections - was too crazy those days in JPost.

34. Who did you miss?
mom and dad. - maybe im not so sincere, but i will feel stupid to say all my thoughts here. anyway im stupid already cuz u can understand anyhow that smthg is fishy ....

35. Who was the best new person you met?

36. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
to trust less & to enjoy more.

37. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
" There is no reason to feel bad
But there are many seasons to feel glad, sad, mad
It's just a bunch of feelings that we have
To hold but I am here to help you with the load"
Travis - Flowers in the window

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Another tour, another life (15th dec. 2008)

There we go, my 2nd trip with Media Central and a group of 25 worldwilde journalists in Bethelehem.
It was a Pre-Christmas Tour for the foreign journalists who cooperate with us. The trip included a talk with the Governator of Bethlehem and the Chairman of Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce and also several discussions with some Christians residents of thr city.

"Bethlehem" conjures many images for people around the world, especially for Christians around Christmas-time. This town is featured in stories and songs, nativity plays and artistic scenes. though, all of us joined a tour of this iconic place. We met the Chairman of Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce Dr. Samir Hazboun who discussed the life of Christians in Bethlehem. We talked with the Governor of Bethlehem Mr. Salah Ta'amari, a Fatah member, about the Christians living in the city and about Christmas preparations in Bethlehem. We had the opportunity to meet with a Christian resident Maher Zaghloul, who is a shop-keeper, and discussed with us about life as a Christian in Palestinian society.
More than that, jornalists met and interviewed a number of other Christian residents of the city.
The view that i personally got from this city was unexpectadly different of what i had in mind before. Considering it was my first time there, I was totally negatively surprized by the big amount of mulsim citizen, load more than the christians ones.

should be this another concerning issue? definetely!
people intervied unfortunately were a bit concerned of the consequnces of their answers, so everything was quite propaganda and less reality stuff, though, the stories were interesting and complex. The conflict between the chiristians and muslim people wasn't faced in front of the journalsits and all we could see was that daily life there is totally different from the other cities in Israel.

Such a close place to Jerusalem can have such an opposite "face" amd life.
The speeches of the Governor was from a solidar personal view, his own view, as far as he is part of fetah party, though the 1st speaker was better and with a more objective pont of view upon bethlehem tourism and christianity life.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

On and on and on

people like to pretend
people like to dramatize
people like to face a a superficial side at a very beginning
people like to be cold
people like to seem indifferent
people like to be hard to get
people are afraid to say the truth
people are afraid to admit feelings
people are weird
people hate, but...
people love (inside, in quite)
people are not innocent
people think excuses

besides this,
people have to read between the lines
people have to put some efforts, not everything to seem to be too easy
people have to discover the 2nd face
people know that the indifference hurts
people like to strive, to run, in order to get what they want
people want to hear the truth
people want to be loved
people still act weird
people need protection, though rejection and hatreness can be sometimes a solution
people still love...
people construct their inner "wall"

therefore, everyone knows how "we" are, then why is so hard to be happy?

Good morning!
Today I am happy.
Even i dont understand sometimes...
This means that woman are unpredictible?:) meeeeen dont jump now and say that im right...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Facing ...(an ideal world through the eyes of) Jihad

how many of you have you ever seen movies producted by different directors about muslims, Coran, Hezbollah and the rest of the "gang"?

well..last night i saw a short film of Geert Wilders, called "Fitna". It was directed by Scarlet Pimpernel, presenting "Facing Jihad". Would it sound surprizing if i tell you that here i saw fragments from the Saint Coran, which dealt with so called "prayers" of demolishing all the nations that are not-muslim, even those muslim who are not obeying their strict religiouse rules. "Muslim will conquer the world". They will lead and will take over all the other world powers."

an intervied muslim declared that he would murder his wife and even his daughter, for Allah, purifying the family, if he have found them having sex with other nationality men, than muslims. the voices recorded in this movie were terribly frightened and the echos of all the speeches are not easy to be forgotten and ignored.
a contrast beween this, is the fact that maybe around a month ago i visited in Haifa a mosque, of a muslim "secta". The speaker told us that he is in charge of going in different palestine territories and "educate the people in those areas, just through good messeges and non violence".
He wanted to joke and to relax the atmosphere and therefore he said that in order to come safe, back home, he chooses very good his speech before.

though, propaganda is at each step. Unfortunately we cannot step on it, and step for good.
these believes will never resemble like the easy die of an ant. (like when u cannot see it and just u smash it with ur fact, our shoes now, are too smal regarding all the islam issues upon the world). The preconceptions will never die so easy.

The Wall - speechless

sometimes photos can speak by themselves..

words are not enough to comment anything..

problems will exists forever..

love wont solve anything! dont be anymore only a dreamer...

fear, tear, wall, stone, hard, terror, hate, message, hints, slogans, graffii...

among all the bad words only "love" is mention like a powerful positive thing, and still!! love not for the jewish perspective ..isnt that ironic?

so...what will bring us the next century?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A weekend in En Gedi

would i ever thought that almost in the middle of December I will swet because of hot weather?
mmm...not really.

but today it happened. in en gedi, near the Dead Sea, there were around 25 degrees, a great time and a weird sun and smell:) sault was felt in the air, but the view took the advantage of ignoring everything.

everything was organized by MASA - Career Israel, the program I came with. The trip was called The Dialogue. The purpose cannot be written here:))) but the general idea was of discussing with Israeli young pple and with us, the tourists, what means to be "JEW, jewish, Israeli Jewish or Jewish israeli".
therefore, there were different perspectives, different mentalities and different experiences shared.
get a closer look (more of the view):

maybe a dream...with too short wings

i cannot act indifferent
i cannot be superficial
i cannot see only the good things
i cannot be patience with fooling games
i cannot see the reality, i see only the ideal

i can be too sensitive
i can shout out load but for myself to stop
i can be naive
i can feel
i can say the truth (unfortunately im too direct)

though, in all, it was an ideal illusion
- perfect eyes
- perfect stuborness
- perfect rationality

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

BFL - 2nd seminar - Leadership styles and their implementation

First of all, I forgot to mention that in these seminar weekends i gained for sure 1kilo:D unfortunately, but we, all the participants got the best treatment, the best food and the best COOCKIES:) TOO MANY!! but none of us complained:)

Secondly, definetely Jerusalem is a city who has a loooot to offer: a bunch of weird but amazing places, explorable areas and also mistical and spiritual spots all around. You can find urself, walking on some small streets, bumping in really nice and good restaurants, u wont be dissapointed so easy by the food u buy.

But getting back to the point, 2nd weekend with BFL again in Jerusalem made us be social workers, asking for TZDAKA =charity in the shuk (the free market).

We asked for free products (like vegetables, coockies, fruits, sugar, cans, bread, everything that was possible to be offered) to the sales men, for Shabat( for the friday meal for jewish poor families in Jerusalem). After 2hours we collected a looot of food and we brought it to a special center and they delivered it to those family in need.
Moreover, in this same seminar, besides the usual workshops and lectures we had, we were asked to do also an Accessibility Tour - a tour where 5 pple among us experienced how is half hour of life in a wheelchair...We were explained what are the difficulties pple in wheelchair bump into and also what improvments the city needs in order that some things to be easier handled for these people.

Jumping to another topic, i had the chance to see and to talk with Moshe Ya'alon, former IDF Chief of staff. Currently a distinguished Fellow at the Shalem center Institute for International and Middle East Studies. He held several command positions in teh IDF Paratroop Brigade and in Elite units.

1 weekend of BFL - In the Hertzel Mount

I have spent the first weekend together with a group of 50 participants, representing Jewish communities in Argentina, Brazil, France, Chile, South Africa, Russia, Uzbekistan, Australia, Hungary, Canada, Romania(me) and many communities in the USA.

What made this course so fascinating and enjoyable, aside from the lectures, the workshops and the personal projects, were the encounter and the dialogue created within this group of young Jews, who care about the education and the future of the world Jewish communities. I have learned from each other and acquired knowledge for implementating my personal projects. Still, I will continue this dialogue and i wil use all the connections between the course members in the future.

I.Rabin and his wife's monuments

We visited the museums of Th. Hertzel and Beggin and I experienced 2nice day in Jerusalem around many students worldwide. We were also shown the cemetery of all the prime ministers and also the monument of Itzhak Rabin.

the image from Beggin museum
people who died in terror attacks in Israel

I applyed for BFL - Buliding Future Leadership

how it started:

BFL Leadership Seminar
Letter of Acceptance – Stage 1

Dear MASA participant,

"We congratulate you on passing the first stage of acceptance to MASA’s BFL leadership
program. We recognize you as a potential active participant in one of MASA’s most
prestigious programs.
In order to finalize your acceptance, we invite you to send us two short written
paragraphs, which include the following information:.
a. Your vision for a project of your choice (a community project or otherwise)
b. A brief description of your past and present experience in leadership initiatives.

Furthermore, in order to allow a full learning and developing process of leadership skills
and projects, please confirm your ability to attend the course during the following dates:
Oct 30-Nov 1, 2008, Nov 20-22, 2008, Dec 18-20, 2008 "

So here i was accepted and i have already done 2 of these sessions. In 2weeks there will be the last session and a nice party in the end with nice pple all over the world.
The Staff says this too:

"Dear leadership course participants – your participation in this course demonstrates one of the MASA project goals: to create opportunities for encounter and cooperative learning of young Jews from all over the world throughout their stay in a long term program in Israel. By doing that, we give meaning to the term "Jewish Peoplehood". You are the example of Jewish Peoplehood.
I have no doubt that soon enough you will all be leading projects in various organizations in the Jewish world."

so ...1st session was like this ->(upper post will continue)

My Hebrew

i practice this with everyone its possible:) i make stupid mistakes and i just continue to speak without to care too much..
i practice it in the bus mostly, even caring with me all the time my small conversational dictionary. pple who are sitting next to me start usually to stare in it too..

i started even to write and to email in hebrew
i started to read faster - i think Itai would be proud of me:)
i strated to understand sometimes more than i was expected

i was sooo happy to see that i can understand even the salsa instructions and even some gossips of my office colleagues:)

so one day i will be an expert:P = יום אחד אני אהיה מומחה

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Addicted to...

1. friends
2. facebook
3. travelling
4. work place
5. music
6. know as much as i can
7. take part in all kind of weird and interesting conferences
8. good looking but Smart guys (i hate the nonsense talkings...)
9. good chocolate
10.WATER - almost drinking a looot of water
11. interrect with unknown pple:) just socializing!, analyzing pple!! and their mentalities

maybe soon there will be a post explaining the top of these and why i am loosing half of my life on internet, on facebook, even having a virtual comunnity and so on..

My favourite lyrics of Vama Veche

a dialog bewtween 2 lovers:

-Mi-e dor de mare. Imi place la mare ca esti curat tot timpul. Marea te spala.
I miss the sea. I like that there you are always clean. The sea washes you.
-Si esti sarat, nu? Te spala si te sareaza.
and you are saulty..the sea makes u saulty
-Tu ai fost vreodata la mare?
have u ever seen the sea?
-Nu, da' am visat ca am fost. Intr-o zi mi-a intrat nisip in ochi si am plans toata ziua.
no, but I have dreamt that i was there one day and some sand enter my eyes and cryed all day long
-Si cand ai intrat in apa, ti-a trecut.
and when u enetered the water it was better.
-Mda, si am visat o casuta de paie pe plaja, in care o sa stau si iarna, si vara.
mmm yeah, and i dreamt a small straws house on the beach, where i will live also in the summer and winter
-Si mai e cineva in ea?
and will be someone else in it?
-Suntem numai noi doi. A, si marea.
only the two of us...ohhh and the sea
-Pai si nu intra apa in casuta cand e furtuna?
so it wont eneter water in the house on storm?
-Nu. Cand e furtuna intram noi in apa si ne plimbam prin valuri.
no, when will be a storm we will enter the water and we will walk through the waves.

-Te sarut si tremur ca un amarat.
i kiss u and i trembel like a stupid
-Buza ta de sus ma ocroteste.
ur upper lip is protecting me
-Mana de pe sanul tau nu pot sa mi-o desprind.
im really stucked with my hand on ur breast
-Sanul meu e fericit, priveste.
just look at it:) my breast is happy,

In ochii tai rade marea
in ur eyes the sea is smiling
In ochii tai e ninsoarea
in ur eyes the snow is showing
In ochii tai este soare
in ur eyes the sun is shining
In ochii tai este zarea
in ur eyes i can see the horizont

-Nu-i asa c-o sa m-ajuti sa evadez?
isnt that you will help me to escape?
-Trupul meu este soseaua ta spre infinit.
the way to infinit is through me
-Nu-i asa c-o sa m-ajuti sa mai visez?
isnt that u will help me to dream more?
-Ochii mei te vor visa la nesfirsit
my eyes will dream about you till the end

In ochii tai sunt si eu
in ur eyes i can find myself, too
Cu gura si nasul de zmeu
with the nose and the mouth of a fiery horse
In ochii tai este soapta
in ur eyes there is a whisper
Unei nopti calde-ntr-a saptea
of a warm night..

-Iarta-ma ca am uitat cum sa iubesc
please forgive me that i forgot the way how to love you
-Nici eu n-am stiut asta vreodata
neither I havent ever known this
-Au facut din mine un soldat care saruta stramb
they made from me just a shy kissing soldier
-In schimb ochii tai sunt fara pata
but ur eyes are everything for me
In ochii tai este vantul
in ur eyes is the wind
Care ma poarta-n nestire
which it wears me everywhere
Catre un loc fara ganduri
to a place without thoughts

Catre orasul iubire
towards the love city
Catre orasul iubire
towards the love city

Dragostea - Vama Veche


its not a swear, is just one of the most used words pple say per day..everywhere.

the weirdest think is that pple use it mostly not thinking to sex, but it just comes out automaticaly.

more than that, pple use it for good things also, having a funny relief when something went out so good.

So i am allowed to say a BIG fuck...though not letting u know in what way.

Monday, December 8, 2008

reload though...why?

o h..i shlouldnt have started this new post now..
m aybe i should go to sleep now, not to be late at the
office again as it happened today
e ven though i might be weak, i agree, and i admit,
but i cannot help otherwise
r ather be straight and sincere, rather doing things
now than regreting&missing them afterwords.

so again, good night.
as a Romanian talk shower would say: we live in Romania and it takes us all the time, can be said, "We live in Israel and it gives us limited time"...

And it was Salsa tonight

i missed dancing
i missed good leading guys (btw..erwin ure still the best:)!! i miss some of those friday romanian salsa nights, too)
i missed music and even being in the center of attention...oooops:)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jerusalem apartment - Hebrew University Dorms

This is how my apartment from jerusalem and my roomates look like. I have crazy days going on with a french guy, an english gentelman and two american girls:) Its a great experience and i enjoy being in an environment like this, striving to talk in hebrew, french and english, of course, but funniest thing is that when i get tired i start to speak in romanian sooner or later we will make a play where pple will speak romanian:)

poate ceva asemanator cu una din piesele lui Caragiale:)noapte buna, good night, laila tov et bonne nuit a tout le monde!

Wadi Ara (2) - 1st Arab College (Tarikat Al-Qasemi)

Second itinerary was the Israeli’s largest Arab College, likely maybe one day to be the 1st Israeli Asrab University.
The interviewed people were Mr. Wasim Younis, from the PR office and also Mr. Ali Jabareen, a PhD. Professor.
This 1st Arab College (Tarikat Al-Qasemi) is located in Baqa Al Gerbya. It was established in 1989.
- main studies at the beginning were Islamic studies, and step by step, the college evolved in other studies like science, literature or foreign languages.
- The educational programs (the modern education programs) are the main focus on, especially for the Arabic girls. They come here, being more free and able to study and entertain themselves after that.
- Here the teachers are also either Arabs, Jewish or Christians
- The relations between men and women are also well studied here ( as far as it is known the status of women in Middle East is not so good)
- In this college the vast majority of students are women (over 95%)
- The college provides also some programs for the illiterate women
- This tends to be like a 2nd stage Career after house life
- The qualifications and the methodologies of this College want to give the possibility for the students to become teachers.

There is a big difference between the general Universities which usually are based on research and theory, while over here; the main focus is on practice and on technical work.
The dream of this College is to turn into a University.
This is the only one where only Arabic students study here. Besides this, there are also in the North and in Haifa universities with a consistent number of arab students.
Al-Qasemi college language of instruction is Arabic. Of course there was an issue “ Did the students forget their national language – Hebrew?” The answer was that “no, they donbt forget it, because they study it as a 2nd language and also so other facilities in university might be dealt in Hebrew.
The College grant is an B.E.D.
The vision of the Principlal and of this institution is that through “dissimilation” can be better conserved the main traditions.

Al Qasemi has 1600 students and 100 teachers., and also over 12 jewish profesors.

Wadi Ara - 1st trip with my internship Media Central organization. Hand in Hand School (1)

On the 24th of Nov the Wadi Ara tour was held in Kefar Kara at the special Hand in Hand School.
This school is a revolutionary vision towards Israeli education; it represents a bilingual school where Jewish and Arab children learn todether, helping in this way their families and communities live together.
The school target is to educate human values and to respect each other.
- peace, real life of sharing daily life
- in the 7th grade there are no jewish students
- Hussam Abu Baker (Arab) and Tal Kaufman (jewish) – the school principals
- The school has a good challenge -> how to educate jewish pupils to know Arabic language and the opposite.
- Sharing community values -> relations among jewish and Arabic families
- The school is the biggest influence upon community/ society in the country
- This is the only school where Jewish students study in an Arabic town.

This type of Hand in Hand School has other 3 branches in Galil, Ber’Sheva and in Jerusalem.
After the 2nd Intifada (2000) jewish prefer not to come hereIn January the registration of this school is opened and the school has its market done also in the close area of jewish communities.

Each class in this school has two teachers (one jewish and another one arab).
The total number of students who are studying here is 120 arab pupils and only 80 jewish pupils.

The way of teaching is different and focuses on subjects like history, civil rights, and Arabic language for jewish students.
The main issue of this school marketing is presented through tolerance and dialogue, which can be seen through the children drawings and some carpet hanged on the wall.
Here can be seen friendships between children and even among families.
Arab kids know more Hebrew that the Arabic language spoken by jewish kids in this school.
The type of the families who use to bring their children at this kind of school are middle class and usually the education is for a good education.
In Kefar Kara there are no other schools ( like democratic, artistic or science ), therefore the Arabic children usually come at this school mostly.
Here can be seen a political reason and different relations between the minority and the majority. Jewish people have more options where to go and study.

"A major problem taken into consideration is the assimilation", says Dr. Husaam.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My time

for tonight i allow a party
for tomorrow tel aviv and family reunion in hulon

special night out probably in "friends' " bar and who knows what other stories will come out ...
ps. i have pics from jenin and also...a crazy story from one of the chec points from the border up to the N. West Bank

soon i will edit them.

Monday, December 1, 2008

1st December -

BTW...I miss my country...
I miss the snow and the cold wind in my face, to make my nose frozen and my fingers trembeling.I miss Romania...
I miss the ice and the warm big socks:)
I miss my hot tea from the evening..
I miss my wet feet from the rainy days...
Happy B-Day dear:) today is ur day and i wish there to be as it is here, in Israel, a great sunny day...for a new beginning, succesfully and fullfiled thoughts and perspectives in life ..
Today is the National Day of Romania. So think shiny and be happy:)

" ...The Great Union of 1918 was and remains the most sublime event in Romanian history. Its greatness resides in the fact that the fulfilment of the national unity is not the work of any politician, government or party; it is the historic deed of the whole Romanian nation, accomplished out of a powerful longing coming from the vivid awareness of the unity of the people and channelled by the political leaders for it to be led towards its aim with a remarkable political intelligence".
Florin Constantiniu - A Sincere History of the Romanian People

MediaCentral is a Jerusalem center providing support services for journalists based in or visiting Israel, the Palestinian territories and the region.

MediaCentral has been set up as a non-profit, independent, media-liaison service organization offering what are perhaps the three most important elements in journalism:

  • Information
  • Access
  • Materials

MediaCentral offers a friendly place to work in downtown Jerusalem, with free or low-cost services.

MediaCentral’s approach is to directly cater to the needs of the individual journalists. A state-of-the-art meeting facility for correspondents and other news professionals facilitates access to spokespeople, exclusive news sources and human interest stories. With access to trusted and reliable, qualified professionals – photographers, translators, drivers, guides and of course experts in every field, MediaCentral can ensure that journalists will have all the information, materials and resources they need – and won’t miss a single quote in Hebrew or Arabic, -- whether traveling within Israel or the Palestinian Territories.

In addition, MediaCentral provides expert translations in a variety of international languages as well as multi-lingual briefings on the major issues of the day and those stories which may have been missed.

I am happy to work in such an environment, with so nice and warm people who takes me in their team, in organizing and helping the events and all the necessary conferences.

Be aware, in 2days I will let you know how was the trip in Jenin and Gilboa, two Palestinian teritories. An interesting story and outstanding pictures will come up soon.

So far, i will mention about the last trip, in Wadi Ara region, also an arab town, with interesting perspective upon mixed jewish and arabic educational system.

Keep your eyes opened and watch this out soon!