Wednesday, December 10, 2008

1 weekend of BFL - In the Hertzel Mount

I have spent the first weekend together with a group of 50 participants, representing Jewish communities in Argentina, Brazil, France, Chile, South Africa, Russia, Uzbekistan, Australia, Hungary, Canada, Romania(me) and many communities in the USA.

What made this course so fascinating and enjoyable, aside from the lectures, the workshops and the personal projects, were the encounter and the dialogue created within this group of young Jews, who care about the education and the future of the world Jewish communities. I have learned from each other and acquired knowledge for implementating my personal projects. Still, I will continue this dialogue and i wil use all the connections between the course members in the future.

I.Rabin and his wife's monuments

We visited the museums of Th. Hertzel and Beggin and I experienced 2nice day in Jerusalem around many students worldwide. We were also shown the cemetery of all the prime ministers and also the monument of Itzhak Rabin.

the image from Beggin museum
people who died in terror attacks in Israel

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