Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Facing ...(an ideal world through the eyes of) Jihad

how many of you have you ever seen movies producted by different directors about muslims, Coran, Hezbollah and the rest of the "gang"?

well..last night i saw a short film of Geert Wilders, called "Fitna". It was directed by Scarlet Pimpernel, presenting "Facing Jihad". Would it sound surprizing if i tell you that here i saw fragments from the Saint Coran, which dealt with so called "prayers" of demolishing all the nations that are not-muslim, even those muslim who are not obeying their strict religiouse rules. "Muslim will conquer the world". They will lead and will take over all the other world powers."

an intervied muslim declared that he would murder his wife and even his daughter, for Allah, purifying the family, if he have found them having sex with other nationality men, than muslims. the voices recorded in this movie were terribly frightened and the echos of all the speeches are not easy to be forgotten and ignored.
a contrast beween this, is the fact that maybe around a month ago i visited in Haifa a mosque, of a muslim "secta". The speaker told us that he is in charge of going in different palestine territories and "educate the people in those areas, just through good messeges and non violence".
He wanted to joke and to relax the atmosphere and therefore he said that in order to come safe, back home, he chooses very good his speech before.

though, propaganda is at each step. Unfortunately we cannot step on it, and step for good.
these believes will never resemble like the easy die of an ant. (like when u cannot see it and just u smash it with ur shoe...in fact, our shoes now, are too smal regarding all the islam issues upon the world). The preconceptions will never die so easy.

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