Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My favourite lyrics of Vama Veche

a dialog bewtween 2 lovers:

-Mi-e dor de mare. Imi place la mare ca esti curat tot timpul. Marea te spala.
I miss the sea. I like that there you are always clean. The sea washes you.
-Si esti sarat, nu? Te spala si te sareaza.
and you are saulty..the sea makes u saulty
-Tu ai fost vreodata la mare?
have u ever seen the sea?
-Nu, da' am visat ca am fost. Intr-o zi mi-a intrat nisip in ochi si am plans toata ziua.
no, but I have dreamt that i was there one day and some sand enter my eyes and cryed all day long
-Si cand ai intrat in apa, ti-a trecut.
and when u enetered the water it was better.
-Mda, si am visat o casuta de paie pe plaja, in care o sa stau si iarna, si vara.
mmm yeah, and i dreamt a small straws house on the beach, where i will live also in the summer and winter
-Si mai e cineva in ea?
and will be someone else in it?
-Suntem numai noi doi. A, si marea.
only the two of us...ohhh and the sea
-Pai si nu intra apa in casuta cand e furtuna?
so it wont eneter water in the house on storm?
-Nu. Cand e furtuna intram noi in apa si ne plimbam prin valuri.
no, when will be a storm we will enter the water and we will walk through the waves.

-Te sarut si tremur ca un amarat.
i kiss u and i trembel like a stupid
-Buza ta de sus ma ocroteste.
ur upper lip is protecting me
-Mana de pe sanul tau nu pot sa mi-o desprind.
im really stucked with my hand on ur breast
-Sanul meu e fericit, priveste.
just look at it:) my breast is happy,

In ochii tai rade marea
in ur eyes the sea is smiling
In ochii tai e ninsoarea
in ur eyes the snow is showing
In ochii tai este soare
in ur eyes the sun is shining
In ochii tai este zarea
in ur eyes i can see the horizont

-Nu-i asa c-o sa m-ajuti sa evadez?
isnt that you will help me to escape?
-Trupul meu este soseaua ta spre infinit.
the way to infinit is through me
-Nu-i asa c-o sa m-ajuti sa mai visez?
isnt that u will help me to dream more?
-Ochii mei te vor visa la nesfirsit
my eyes will dream about you till the end

In ochii tai sunt si eu
in ur eyes i can find myself, too
Cu gura si nasul de zmeu
with the nose and the mouth of a fiery horse
In ochii tai este soapta
in ur eyes there is a whisper
Unei nopti calde-ntr-a saptea
of a warm night..

-Iarta-ma ca am uitat cum sa iubesc
please forgive me that i forgot the way how to love you
-Nici eu n-am stiut asta vreodata
neither I havent ever known this
-Au facut din mine un soldat care saruta stramb
they made from me just a shy kissing soldier
-In schimb ochii tai sunt fara pata
but ur eyes are everything for me
In ochii tai este vantul
in ur eyes is the wind
Care ma poarta-n nestire
which it wears me everywhere
Catre un loc fara ganduri
to a place without thoughts

Catre orasul iubire
towards the love city
Catre orasul iubire
towards the love city

Dragostea - Vama Veche

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